Sign up for digital newsletters from Luton Council

We offer a choice of digital updates to suit your interests. Read about them here and tick the boxes below to choose which emails you'd like to receive in your inbox.

You can choose to receive one or all of the following emails:

This is a regular email for Luton residents, packed full of local news, events and council updates. Read more about e-Luton.

Step Forward Luton newsletter
This is a quarterly email with essential updates for businesses in Luton. Read the latest local business news and find out about business support information and local training opportunities. See Step Forward Luton news.

Luton Family Hubs
This is a bi-monthly newsletters from Luton Family Hubs for all Luton families, with latest Family Hubs news, fun activities, healthy living tips and more.


Confirm your subscription
Once you've opted in to any of these digital newsletters, you'll need to confirm your subscription - just click the link in the email you receive. We use this double opt in method to make sure it was you who opted in, and that you definitely want to receive emails from us.

Looking after your data
By opting into any of these emails, you're giving consent for us to send digital updates to your email address. If you choose to, you'll be able to unsubscribe or change your preferences at any time - these links are included in the footer of every e-update we send.

To be clear, we'll only ever use your email address for sending the updates you've opted into. We'd never sell, share or use your data for any other purpose.

Our privacy notice clearly states that we follow the rules around the handling and use of personal data.

If you have any concerns over your data, please contact our Business Intelligence Unit:

Telephone: 01582 546398


* indicates required